

All Red Hawks can be strong students! Get tips and tricks to help you through. 你得到了这个!

发布: 学术, 公告, 特色的新闻

洛基照片 & 执事弯曲

There are behaviors and actions that strong students develop and practice and we are here to help you! 诀窍? All Red Hawks can be strong students – it’s small, simple acts that, in total, lead to success.

During each week of the semester, your professors should be showing you a slide with tips and tricks on how to elevate yourself. Here is a sneak preview of what you will learn all semester long.

Join the Pledge to 做一个优秀的学生
  • Week 1: Attend Class Like You Mean It
    • 早点到,不要迟到!
    • 在场
      • Take out your earbuds or remove your headphones
      • 把手机调成静音
      • Close out tabs that are unrelated to your class on your laptop
    • Ask questions and offer comments when your instructor invites you to answer
    • 做笔记
  • 第二周:按时完成工作
    • Late work could cause you to lose points or fall behind!
    • Homework matters for your final grades, 论文上的成功, tests and projects and your ability to participate
    • 突发事件?!
  • Week 3: Plan Your Time (Better)
    • 使用日历或计划表
    • Map out your weeks, months and semester! 看看 this great video on one students preference of how they stay organized!
    • Be realistic about how long things take (including commuting to campus!)
      • Time management is the #1 student challenge, seek help if you need!
  • 第四周:寻求学术帮助
    • 跟 your professors and look at their feedback
      • 问后续问题
      • 审查 Canvas
    • Attend office hours if available!
    • See a tutor or get help from the Center for Writing Excellence
    • 使用 图书馆
    • 与…连接 Disability Resource Center (DRC) 如有需要,请提供住宿
    • 红鹰中心 for any issues with your student account, financial aid or registration!
  • Week 5: Take Care of Your Health
  • Week 6: Deal with Absences Effectively
    • 避免缺席! But, if you are going to be absent:
      • Let your professors know in advance and complete what is due that day anyway!
      • Don’t ask the professor “Did I miss anything?” – instead get notes from a reliable peer
    • For extended illness (2+ weeks) contact the 教务处 对于住宿
  • 第七周:了解自己的优势 & 弱点
    • Do your work where you are effective – maybe that’s the 图书馆, your kitchen table or a study room – find somewhere that works for you!
    • Reserve your best time for studying
      • 夜猫子? 不要“等到早上”
      • 早起者? 晚饭前把它做完!
    • 你在团队中学得最好吗? Set up study sessions with your friends!
    • 能在压力下工作? That’s fine, but make sure you get it done and set the time for it regardless.
    • 不喜欢你的专业? 找你的指导老师.
  • Week 8: Make Your Own Community
    • College is MORE than just going to class! And you know what they say – “if you never left the parking lot at an amusement park, you wouldn’t get on any rides” – use this logic at college too. If you don’t take advantage of the amazing opportunities outside of the classroom, you will not benefit or have these life changing experiences.
    • Find your people and get involved:
    • 这需要时间,不要放弃!
  • Week 9: Attend Class Like You Mean It
    • You’re more than half way through the semester – don’t give up now!
  • 第十周:按时完成工作
    • 错过了几个作业? 无论如何都要编出来. Turning it in late is better than not turning it in at all.
    • 跟 your professors and advisors!
  • Week 11: Plan Your Time (Better)
    • Maybe your original plan wasn’t working for you – try something new on how to best use your time and talk to someone about it if you need!
  • 第十二周:寻求学术帮助
    • 别忘了 辅导! 你得到了这个!
    • Your professors want to see you succeed.
  • Week 13: Take Care of Your Health
    • The change of seasons tend to bring on the sniffles – don’t forget about the 学生健康中心!
    • Take a deep breath – you are ALMOST there!
  • Week 14: Celebrate Your Success
    • The end of the semester deserves a celebration!
    • Take some time to reflect on how you did and what you can bring with you into next semester and how you can do better in other ways.
      • 什么帮助你学习?
      • 什么进展顺利??
      • 有什么不顺利的?
      • 你感激什么?
      • 你发展了什么技能?
    • 享受休息吧! (or your Winter Session) and we will see you soon!